Material assistance

For information on material assistance, contact Ms. Aneta Zielinska
phone (12) 628-31-69

The complete list of documents and the rules for awarding scholarships are available on the Cracow University of Technology website at: Cracow University of Technology

Below is a list of essential documents to apply for a social scholarship in the 2023/24 academic year.


In the table at the bottom of the page, please mark the date of the start and end of the work, from – to /currently)

2. (Template no. 8) Statement for students applying for accommodation allowance

All documents must be for the fiscal year 2022 (only in special cases 2023). The Student and all adults submit the following documents.

3. Income certificates from the tax office.

4. (Template No. 15) Statement of income,

5. (Template No. 11) Statements of non-taxable income,

6. Certificates from the Social Security Administration ZUS or a statement (Template No. 14) on the amount of health insurance premiums,

7. A certificate from the municipality or a statement (template No. 13) about the size of the agricultural holding,

8. Lump sum – if applicable: the certificate from the tax office regarding lump sum income tax must include: the amount of income, the tax rate, the amount of tax paid,

9. If applicable – A copy of the final court decision declaring divorce or separation, or a complete or abbreviated copy of the death certificate of the spouse or parent of the child – in the case of a single parent,

10. If applicable – a certificate or statement (template no. 16) of school attendance,

11. If applicable – an abbreviated birth certificate for siblings or children under 18 years of age,

12. If applicable – a certificate from the labour office confirming the fact of being unemployed, with or without the right to benefit,

13. If applicable – documents for international students 1) residence card, valid Pole’s Card,

14. If applicable – other documents, including statements necessary to determine the right to benefits (e.g., certificate of receipt of benefits from the social welfare centre,

15. If applicable – if the income in 2022 did not exceed the amount of PLN 600 per family member, the Student must attach to the application a certificate of use of social assistance benefits by the Student or by a member of the Student’s family in the year of submission of this application (see „List of documents”, template No. 18).

In the case of any other family situation, additional documents will be required as specified by the Regulations.

Material aid for students

As in previous years, in the 2023/24 academic year, students can apply for financial aid from the University. This assistance is provided at the request of the Student in the form of:

  • a social grant or a social grant in an increased amount for living in a student dormitory or in a facility other than a student dormitory, if the daily commute from the place of permanent residence to the University would make studying impossible or significantly difficult.
  • special scholarship for students with disabilities,
  • the Rector’s scholarships for the best students,
  • special assistance grants.

Detailed information on the rules for applying for material assistance and the applicable rules for its allocation can be found on the University’s website at Scholarship benefits at CUT

Ladies and Gentlemen,
attached is a scholarship guide that will make it easier to submit your documents for material assistance.
Scholarship Guide

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