Class schedules


Classes schedules:

Field of study: computer science first cycle and second cycle – download (updated 08-01-2024)
Field of study: Mathematics first cycle and second cycle – download (updated 25-10-2023)
Field of study: Applied Mathematics – download (updated 25-10-2023)


Attention, part-time students!
Assignment to specific groups is available after logging in to an individual account in the Virtual Dean’s Office.

Classes schedules:

Field of study: computer science first cycle and second cycle – download (updated 26-01-2024)


  1. KI, II, IMK – rooms in the Department of Computer Science, building of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, 1st Floor, 24 Warszawska Street
  2. rooms: 131 (Houston, 24 Warszawska Street), F020 ( 1 Podchorążych Street), F112 ( 1 Podchorążych Street)
  3. halls: 135, 136, 142, 143, 150, 151 ( 24 Warszawska Street)
  4. IM, KMS, KM – rooms in the Department of Applied Mathematics, building of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 24 Warszawska Street
  5. IF, F??? – rooms at the Institute of Physics, 1 Podchorążych Street
  6. WIEK – halls in the building of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 24 Warszawska Street
  7. S1, S2, S3 – KMS halls above the canteen (GIL gallery), 24 Warszawska Street
  8. halls: 1/15, 0/1, 0/19, 1/7, 1/9 – lecture halls in the Działownia Building, 24 Warszawska Street
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